Upload the file EPUB in a way that is convenient for you, and click the button "CONVERT" to get the file PDF.

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There are many reasons why you might need to convert an EPUB (Electronic Publication) file to a PDF (Portable Document Format). While EPUB is great for digital reading, it may not retain the same formatting and layout when printed. Converting EPUB to PDF provides a more controlled and consistent presentation, making it suitable for printing and distributing physical copies of a document or book.

PDF files are known for their consistent layout and formatting across devices and platforms. If you want to make sure your EPUB content is displayed exactly as intended, convert it to PDF to preserve this standardized presentation. In addition, PDF files can be opened and viewed on many devices, including computers, tablets, and smartphones. This expands the availability of content to a larger audience.

PDF is also a widely used format for archiving and saving documents. If you want to ensure long-term access to your content, converting EPUB to PDF can help preserve the document's layout, images, and text for later use. PDF files support a variety of annotation features, such as highlighting, commenting, and adding notes. If you want to markup or annotate EPUB content, converting it to PDF provides a platform for such interactions.

In some cases, documents such as contracts, legal documents, or professional reports are better used in PDF format due to the standardized, non-editable nature of PDF files. Converting EPUB to PDF can ensure the integrity of the document and prevent accidental changes. PDF files can also be easily merged with other PDF files, which can be useful if you want to combine content from multiple EPUB files into a single document.

Finally, if you need to present EPUB content in a more visually appealing and structured way, converting it to PDF can allow you to create well-designed presentations. While EPUB is widely supported by e-readers and certain reading programs, PDF is supported by a wider range of software, making it a versatile format for a variety of applications.

Ultimately, converting EPUB to PDF depends on the specific use case and the intended audience of the content. When deciding whether to convert, consider factors such as layout, formatting, distribution goals, and availability.

How it works


Select files

You can select files from the file system, Dropbox and Google Drive. Insert text it text field for text's data.


Press button "CONVERT"

in order to upload files for processing.


Wait for completion

It will take from 10 seconds to several minutes depending on the number and size of the files.


Are there any limitations to EPUB to PDF conversion?

EPUB to PDF conversion might face certain limitations: Complex layouts: EPUB files with intricate designs, multimedia elements, or complex formatting might not convert perfectly to PDF, and some adjustments may be necessary. Reflowable content: EPUB files often use reflowable text, while PDFs are more static. Converting reflowable EPUB content into fixed PDF pages might lead to unexpected formatting issues.

Can EPUB to PDF conversion handle all types of EPUB books?

EPUB to PDF converters can handle various types of EPUB books, including those with simple text and images. However, the effectiveness of the conversion may vary depending on the complexity of the book's layout and the presence of multimedia elements.

Is the PDF output identical to the original EPUB book?

The PDF output generated from EPUB to PDF conversion represents the content of the original EPUB book. However, due to differences in layout and formatting between EPUB and PDF, the visual appearance may not be identical. Some adjustments might be needed to ensure proper pagination and formatting in the PDF.